Don Johnson And A Pink Fly Tying Vise – A Man On A Mission?
Don Johnson jets in to kick off the winter Community Workshop for Fly Tying organized by October 7th, 2009 is the date. The question on everyone’s lips: is this the Don Johnson of Miami Vice fame? And is Don really a veteran fly designer and tier of 20 years?
37signals is now a $100 billion dollar company, according to a group of investors who have agreed to purchase 0.000000001% of the company in exchange for $1.
Visual Search Engine Lookin' Good: WebKruz Innovates Search Engine Style
What do you think of when you hear search engine? The probable answer is Google. What do you think when you hear visual search engine? Now that is an entirely different ballpark. After you read this, the answer you’ll think of will be WebKruz.
Visual Search Engine Lookin’ Good: WebKruz Innovates Search Engine Style
The visual search engine innovation is a long-awaited twist on Internet search. The basic text-based results of most search engines fail to inspire and inform users in the way those users need. In contrast, visual-based results maximize the user’s experience by combining the website’s text content and graphic design to make it both inherently easier to scan and more engaging than text-based results.
Spreety Asks: Is Your Next TV a PC?
According to, the Internet has surpassed TV in content and delivery.
The Unincorporated Man by Dani Kollin and Eytan Kollin Nominated for Prometheus Award
Debut novel “The Unincorporated Man” has been nominated for the Prometheus Award, a Science-Fiction Award given by The Libertarian Futurist Society.