Art & EntertainmentArt & Entertainment - CelebritiesArt & Entertainment - News & Talk ShowsArt & Entertainment - Web sites / InternetConsumer - Web sites / InternetGovernmentGovernment - Foreign PolicyGovernment - NationalGovernment - SecurityIndustry - BroadcastIndustry - RadioLifestyle - PastimesOpinion / EditorialPodcastingPodcasting - AnnouncePoliticalPoliticsReligionScience and ResearchSocietySociety - Civil RightsSociety - Human Rights

Atlantic Coast UFO’s Launches 2nd UFO Talk Radio Show

Atlantic Coast UFO’s Launches 2nd UFO Talk Radio Show

First, The Kate Valentine UFO Show, and now Viewpoints. Different show, different days, different time slots, different radio stations – the same Kate Valentine.

EducationEducation - College / UniversityEmployment/CareersGovernmentGovernment - EducationGovernment - Foreign ConflictGovernment - Foreign PolicyGovernment - SecurityMaritimeMilitaryNationalPoliticalSociety - Teen Issues/Interests

Army and Navy Academy Cadets Awarded Significantly after Assessment

Army and Navy Academy Cadets Awarded Significantly after Assessment

The young men of California’s Army and Navy Academy received another honorable award as a result of their impressive performance during their Cadet Formal Inspection, administered by the United States Army Cadet Command.

Business - TravelConsumerHome and FamilyIndustry - Leisure / HospitalityIndustry - RestaurantsLifestyleLifestyle - Hotel / ResortsLifestyle - Travel & TourismSportsSports - FishingSports - Water

Malta is Home Away From Home for Retired British Teacher

Malta is Home Away From Home for Retired British Teacher

Seashells Resort greet their most loyal customer on her 24th month-long visit to the hotel and the island.

Automotive - Recreational VehicleConsumerConsumer - HobbiesEnvironment - Natural ResourcesHome and FamilyLifestyleLifestyle - Health & FitnessLifestyle - Hotel / ResortsLifestyle - PastimesLifestyle - Travel & TourismMaritimeSportsSports - OutdoorsSports - Water

MB Boats and Portland Ski Boat Center Prove a Perfect Partnership

MB Boats and Portland Ski Boat Center Prove a Perfect Partnership

Earlier this year MB Sports selected Portland Ski Boat Center, the leading Northwest Boat Dealership, to become the exclusive MB Sports Dealer in Oregon and SW Washington.

ConsumerEducationEducation - K-12Home and FamilyHome and Family - ParentingIndustry - HealthcareInsuranceLifestyleLifestyle - Health & FitnessMedicalMedical - Family MedicineMedical - GeneralMedical - Managed Care / HMOMedical - PediatricsSocietySociety - Children's Issues

CPMG Partners with Youth Fitness Magazine

CPMG Partners with Youth Fitness Magazine

CPMG and Youth Fitness Magazine are joining efforts to keep kids safe and healthy.

Art & EntertainmentArt & Entertainment - BooksArt & Entertainment - MagazinesArt & Entertainment - Performing ArtsBusiness - BooksConsumerConsumer - Gifts and CollectiblesConsumer - HobbiesIndustry - Print MediaIndustry - PublishingLifestyleLifestyle - Pastimes

Audio Books – Pulp Fiction Mystery Audio Book Adventures Brought to Life With Golden Age Radio Dramas

Audio Books – Pulp Fiction Mystery Audio Book Adventures Brought to Life With Golden Age Radio Dramas

Hard-hitting mysteries, rough-riding westerns, outrageous fantasies and far-flung adventures are just some of the spectacular tales that are offered in the Stories from the Golden Age audio book collection by New York Times bestselling author L. Ron Hubbard, published by Galaxy Press.

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