How 1% Makes All the Difference – Author Tom Connellan Shows How Small Moves Make Big Leaps Possible
There always seems to be a few companies that stand apart from the rest, in every field of business. But how big is the gap between success and mediocrity – really? Business leader Tom Connellan has found that the distance between average and awesome is often less than 1%.
Want to be an Instant Expert? Ask ThoughtOffice, Get All the Right Questions
255 to 2,213. That’s the number of Expert Questions available from ThoughtOffice. ThoughtOffice is a novel brainstorming application that asks the right questions, and then provides more than 10,000,000 answers. People and groups requiring real-time creative thinking and innovation get immediate solutions using the ThoughtOffice Model.
Western Pulp Fiction Classic “Cattle King For a Day” AudioBook on CD Back by Popular Demand
Book publisher Galaxy Press has released a new edition of the classic pulp-era western “Cattle King For a Day” by New York Times best selling author L. Ron Hubbard. Part of the “Stories from the Golden Age” series, these reissues feature original pulp artwork and illustrations.
Redpark Serial Cables for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Begin Shipping
Redpark Serial Cables for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch now ready to work with iOS app developers that need serial connectivity.
Limited Edition Frank Frazetta Fantasy Art Prints Now Available From Galaxy Press
Galaxy Press announces a limited edition series of fine art prints by Frank Frazetta. These striking prints, originally commissioned as cover art for books published by Galaxy Press, are available now for 50% off.
Best Punctuation Haikus Selected in National Punctuation Day Contest
Judges choose from over 3,000 entries to select the 25 best Haikus about the importance of proper punctuation, to complete the National Punctuation Day Contest. Entries were submitted from around the world, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Australia, New Zealand, and Italy (in Italian!)