Happy The Hobo Resurfaces – After 20 Years – to Grant 100 Wishes
Kids’-show-host turned cult icon, Happy the Hobo has resurfaced after 20 years. Where has he been hiding? For the last 20 years, he has quietly built the only gourmet-flavored fortune cookie bakery in America.
Spreety Asks: Is Your Next TV a PC?
According to Spreety.com, the Internet has surpassed TV in content and delivery.
Five Million Silver Salmon Are Coming: New Styles From FlyDealer.com Help Anglers Catch Their Limit.
With 5 million silver salmon (aka Coho Salmon) migrating to Oregon, Seattle and British Columbia, FlyDealer.com has released premium-tied fly patterns for the enthusiast to get their share of the catch. This seasons’ hatch is rumored to be the biggest since 1969.
The BIG Weekend: What's In It for Me?
The BIG Weekend is a three-day, intensive self development seminar focused on helping the individual be the best that they can be. Life University offers attendees the opportunity to learn about themselves and what they are capable of at The BIG Weekend.
Executive Coaches And Their Clients Instantly Tap Over 100 Man Years of Experience in 12+ Disciplines Fast and Affordably with ThoughtOffice
ThoughtOffice releases an expanded version of their ThoughtOffice Coach & Consultant Software. A worldwide leader in problem solving and innovation the company has added new eXpertTopic Modules addressing 12+ key business and personal areas of expertise. Coaches instantly tap this expertise within the program, helping solve client issues without having to outsource each area to specialists.