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L. Ron Hubbard Stories from the Golden Age Surpass One Million Mark

L. Ron Hubbard Stories from the Golden Age Surpass One Million Mark

Sales of L. Ron Hubbard’s pulp fiction “Stories from The Golden Age” have now passed the one million unit mark, according to publisher Galaxy Press.

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Space Services, Inc. to Sponsor and Appear on Viewpoints

Space Services, Inc. to Sponsor and Appear on Viewpoints

Charles M. Chafer, Chief Executive Officer of Space Services Inc., the world’s leading provider of public participation space missions, will be Kate Valentine’s guest On Viewpoints. Space Services, Inc. has been running commercials for their star naming services on both The Kate Valentine UFO Show and Viewpoints.

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Golden Age Theater Performance Trailers Now on YouTube

Golden Age Theater Performance Trailers Now on YouTube

Several well-known celebrity performers took the stage recently at the Golden Age Theater in Hollywood, to perform an adaptation of the L. Ron Hubbard western story, “Reign of the Gila Monster”. A short trailer of the performance can now been seen on YouTube.

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Librarians Promote Audio Books in National Reading Programs

Librarians Promote Audio Books in National Reading Programs

What do swashbuckling pirates, fast talking detectives and dangerous dames have in common? They are all larger than life characters that are being used by Librarians around the world to engage students in audio book reading programs from publisher Galaxy Press in Hollywood California.

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Galaxy Press Releases the Pulp Fiction Audio Book and Classic Novel: The Carnival of Death!

Galaxy Press Releases the Pulp Fiction Audio Book and Classic Novel: The Carnival of Death!

Book publisher Galaxy Press has released a new edition of the classic pulp-era Mystery, “The Carnival of Death” by New York Times award winning best selling author L. Ron Hubbard. As Part of the “Stories from the Golden Age” series, these reissues feature original pulp artwork and illustrations.

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Pulp Fiction Audio Books and Novels Author Reaches over One Million Copies Sold!

Pulp Fiction Audio Books and Novels Author Reaches over One Million Copies Sold!

Book publisher Galaxy Press is pleased to announce they have sold over one million copies of New York Times best selling author, L. Ron Hubbard’s re-released issues of his classic pulp fiction short novels and multi-cast audio books.

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