Visual Search Engine Lookin’ Good: WebKruz Innovates Search Engine Style
The visual search engine innovation is a long-awaited twist on Internet search. The basic text-based results of most search engines fail to inspire and inform users in the way those users need. In contrast, visual-based results maximize the user’s experience by combining the website’s text content and graphic design to make it both inherently easier to scan and more engaging than text-based results.

Spreety Asks: Is Your Next TV a PC?
According to Spreety.com, the Internet has surpassed TV in content and delivery.

Life University Announces The BIG Weekend
The BIG Weekend is a seminar devoted to helping the individual be their best, all day, every day. Life University offers all who attend an experience of a lifetime by utilizing experiential training techniques. Participants will learn how to turn possibilities into reality at The BIG Weekend.

A Return to Self-Development
The BIG Weekend is a seminar devoted to helping the individual to be the best that they can be. Life University offers everyone who is ready for change an experience of a lifetime. This training is about turning possibilities into reality at The BIG Weekend.

LAX Renaissance Hotel to Host Life University's The BIG Weekend, September 18-20, 2009
Life University, creators of The BIG Weekend, have selected the Renaissance Los Angeles
LAX Airport Hotel to hold the first in a series of seminars called “The BIG Weekend.” Participants at the 3-day event will enjoy the Renaissance’s professional ambiance and convenient location.

The BIG Weekend: It's All About You!
The BIG Weekend is a seminar devoted to helping the individual be their best, every hour of every day. Life University offers every person on the planet an experience of a lifetime simply by training them on how to turn possibilities into reality at The BIG Weekend.