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Bootstrap: Making Buzz in the Entrepreneur World

Bootstrap: Making Buzz in the Entrepreneur World

In a recent Book Publishing 2.0 event organized by world-renowned Michael Drew, Ron Porter presented Bootstrap Business: A Step-by-Step Business Survival Guide. This book has detailed instructions on how to successfully start your own business.

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A Benefit Art Exhibition/Sale & Luxe Cocktail Reception

BusinessCoaching / MentoringEducationMedical - Mental HealthMiscellaneousSelf-Help / Personal Growth

Fear of Public Speaking: The Secret is Rehearsing How You'll Feel, Not What You'll Say, Claims Expert

Fear of Public Speaking: The Secret is Rehearsing How You'll Feel, Not What You'll Say, Claims Expert

Stage fright and performance anxiety can afflict almost anyone – but traditional solutions ignore the fact that with fear of public speaking the problem isn’t the ‘speaking’, its the ‘fear’. CTRN’s latest Confidently Speaking video blog post teaches an unusual technique for eliminating stage fright.

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WebKruz Adds Style to the Advertising Market – New Video Ads

WebKruz Adds Style to the Advertising Market – New Video Ads

Video ad styles are changing the online advertising world with their better graphics and their ability to show creativity that reaches customers.

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Advantages of Advertising with WebKruz – Amazing Visual Stimulation

Advantages of Advertising with WebKruz – Amazing Visual Stimulation

With the advantages of advertising with WebKruz, it seems like time for Google and Bing to move on over. The difference between these three Internet search engines is one large difference: a visual search. WebKruz search brings up images of webpages instead of streams of words.

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Don Johnson And A Pink Fly Tying Vise – A Man On A Mission?

Don Johnson And A Pink Fly Tying Vise – A Man On A Mission?

Don Johnson jets in to kick off the winter Community Workshop for Fly Tying organized by October 7th, 2009 is the date. The question on everyone’s lips: is this the Don Johnson of Miami Vice fame? And is Don really a veteran fly designer and tier of 20 years?

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