Introducing reasonable exotic car transport services: All day auto transport
All day auto transport is a full service auto transport company.

CastleWave, LLC. Purchased by Crexendo Business Solutions
CastleWave, a three year-old boutique online marketing firm with offices in Provo, Utah and New York City, has been sold to Crexendo Business Solutions in a combined cash and stock deal.

Rhetoric Followers Want New Rhetoric – NewView Options Provides the Rhetoric of Newness
Many major scholars of Rhetoric have been calling for a New Rhetoric for years because Rhetoric hasn’t panned out well, especially as applied to writing. NewView Options claims to have created an effective Rhetoric of Newness to replace the old, ineffective Rhetoric of forms handed down from ancient Greece.

Rhetoric Lacks Creativity – NewView Writing Method Provides Creative Alternative
Rhetoric has never provided the feature of creativity, only supplying an endless array of forms and genres, as taught in schools. A new e-book, The Secret DNA of Writing Essays – And Everything Else, claims to provide a better alternative for creating new ideas, a system called NewView.

Haiti Hospital Resurrection Fund Partners With Project C.U.R.E. for Response and Recovery in Haiti
HHRF has partnered with Project C.U.R.E. to leverage the nonprofit’s extensive experience enhancing healthcare infrastructure in developing countries worldwide. Concerning Haiti specifically, the charities will work together to rebuild the damaged healthcare facilities in Haiti. After the emergency ends, HHRF and Project C.U.R.E. will continue to work towards the long-term recovery and resurrection of Haiti’s hospitals.

Writing Teachers Ignorant of Rhetoric's Tradition of Corruption – NewView Options Provides Alternative
Most high school and college freshman teachers of writing are completely ignorant of the tradition of corruption that has surrounded Rhetoric for centuries. A new e-book, The Secret DNA of Writing Essays – And Everything Else, claims to provide a better alternative.