HELIOS WebShare Makes Remote Proofing Easy With Inkjet Printers
HELIOS WebShare proofing solution passed all 24 tests at the 2009 IPA Proofing RoundUP using a standard color inkjet printer! That’s good news for anyone who wants to generate proofs to be viewed or printed at remote sites.

Starting July 27 Learn Abundance Mentality In Only In 3 Days With the Top 12 Abundance Thought Leaders
Looking for a fast way to generate more abundance and learn key approaches to living an abundant life? VirtualAbundanceExpo.com is bringing the top 12+ Thought Leaders into your living room, July 27 to 30, with the Virtual Abundance Expo. Hosted by Alex Mandossian and Scott Martineau, this collection of industry giants is set to help you achieve a solid, indomitable abundance mentality, regardless of your current life status.

The Brains Inside the Bubbles: How ThoughtOffice Makes MindMaps Smart
Mindmaps and the Mind mapping process pioneered by Tony Buzan leads the way as a brainstorming solution. But a Lateral Thinking technology called ThoughtOffice is finding good company in mindmapping groups as the brains inside the bubbles.