New Book Demonstrates New Literary Analysis Method for Writing Essays on Short Stories

An effective new analytic method greatly simplifies literary analysis and cuts to the heart of every story told in fiction, especially short stories. The NewView Analysis method is used on ten short stories that are classics. The book also shows how to add literary devices to the analysis through one hundred (100) suggested thesis sentences for the ten short stories.

Provo, UT – June 9, 2010 (PressReleasePivot) – Bill Drew, the author of a new book, The Secret DNA of Analyzing Short Stories, developed his new method of literary analysis in general – and for short stories and novels in particular – when he worked out a better way to teach writing as a university graduate student, years ago.

Drew explains that the main point in writing is to say something new to the reader. And in 2009 his company, NewView Options, released an e-book titled The Secret DNA of Writing Essays – And Everything Else that thoroughly expounds upon that principle, called ‘NewView.’ That book is intended mainly for teachers and students engaged in writing essays in school. (However, Drew points out, that first book also shows marketers how to use NewView to write great creative advertising material and also shows journalists how to write superior magazine articles.)

“Since reading and analyzing literature are just the flip side of writing literature,” Drew said, “it’s only natural to use the NewView Principle in analyzing short stories. The key is realizing that, in any story, something must change from the beginning to the end-or else there’s no story! All successful writers and publishers of fiction intuitively recognize that principle, without exception. And what kind of change always happens at the end? Why, a NewView Reverse, of course.”

The new book by Drew begins by explaining the principle of the 5 NewView Options and the 5 OldView Categories. Then it demonstrates with in-depth discussions of three classic short stories how the OldView strong value statement is always made early on in a short story and how that OldView is always NewView Reversed by the end. To prove the point, seven more popular classic short stories are then analyzed, including The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe, The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell, and The Bet by Anton Chekov.

Drew said that publications like CliffsNotes and SparkNotes can help students understand one specific short story or novel with their expert knowledge and reasoning, but that’s it – there’s no repeatable usage of their expertise. That is to say, CliffsNotes and SparkNotes don’t teach a system that readers can learn and repeatedly use to analyze and understand other stories. You have to keep going back to CliffsNotes and SparkNotes for more of their expert information on each story, said Drew.

“That’s where The Secret DNA of Analyzing Short Stories shines,” Drew claimed. “My book teaches you how to use NewView Analysis on all short stories, not just those discussed and analyzed in my book. And you can use that same NewView Analysis method with novels, too, though there are some differences – and that’s why I’ll be coming out in the next three or four months with The Secret DNA of Analyzing Novels.”

Drew plans on publishing a series of The Secret DNA of books, such as, The Secret DNA of Writing Advertising, The Secret DNA of Shakespeare’s Plays, The Secret DNA of Business Writing, The Secret DNA of Communications, The Secret DNA of Education & Teaching, etc.

Drew published The Secret DNA of Analyzing Short Stories on May 22nd, and it is available at for $6.00, and for $6.50 as a PDF e-book at Drew’s other e-book, The Secret DNA of Writing Essays – And Everything Else, is available online in PDF format from the same website for $12.50, and it’s also available on as a Kindle e-book for $9.50 at NewView Essay Services, a computer program that automates the thesis-making process in the Writing Essays e-book, is available at on a subscription basis for 3-, 6-, and 12-month terms ($15.50, $20.50, $30.50).

About NewView Options:
Founded in 2008, NewView Options is a Provo, UT, firm specializing in the teaching and training of writing for beginning, intermediate, and advanced writers. The company is focused on promoting its proprietary NewView approach to writing, reading, analyzing, communicating, and teaching. NewView Options provides Educational Discount Rates for school districts. Call 1-801-373-0447, visit, or e-mail

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