Personal Injury Attorneys Cap & Kudler Have Settled an Automobile Accident Injury Case.

Donald Kudler, of Personal Injury Attorneys Cap & Kudler, has settled an automobile accident injury case for a client. The client’s settlement was for the total amount of insurance available from the adverse driver’s insurance policy.

Las Vegas, NV – November 18, 2009 (PressReleasePoint) — Donald Kudler, of Personal Injury Attorneys Cap & Kudler, has settled a case against a negligent driver insured by Farmers Insurance for the adverse driver’s policy limits. This case was placed in the Nevada Court Annexed Arbitration Program by the Arbitration Rules resulting in an Arbitration Award within the Defendant’s policy limits. The Defendant rejected the Award by filing a Request for Trial De Novo. Later, it was determined that the client would benefit by surgical intervention.

Additional Discovery was conducted, including a medical examination paid for by, and performed at the request of, the Defendant. The reviewing doctor found that the client’s medical treatment and need for future surgery was appropriate and related to the accident. Based on this information, the Defendant’s insurer chose to pay its policy limits rather than risk going to Trial.

Mr. Kudler ( ) says he was comfortable allowing the medical examination to take place in this case. According to Mr. Kudler, “The client in this case was a good person and a great witness. She was honest, truthful and forthcoming. The Defendant would not be able to attack her at Trial. Her podiatrist, John E. Cade, found that she would benefit from surgery after the Arbitration had taken place. He, too, was a credible witness. Based on this, I knew that allowing the Defendant’s medical Examination could only make my case stronger. In addition, having met the examining doctor, Michael Monroe, before I found him to be an honest man and knew he would give an appropriate examination.”

As Mr. Kudler notes, “Sometimes, you have to allow the Defendant’s insurer to dig its own hole.”

About Cap & Kudler:
Donald Kudler, of Cap & Kudler, ( ) has been representing victims of personal injury accidents since 1984. Cap & Kudler have represented hundreds of victims of personal injury accidents who were injured as a result of automobile accidents, slip and fall accidents, medical malpractice and other injuries. Allen A. Cap and Donald C. Kudler also represent individuals and businesses in regards to contract, employment and other business related matters, both pre- and post-litigation. Visit Cap & Kudler’s web site at, e-mail or call 702-878-8778 for information.

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