WebKruz Adds Style to the Advertising Market – New Video Ads

Video ad styles are changing the online advertising world with their better graphics and their ability to show creativity that reaches customers.

Lone Tree, CO – November 5, 2009 (PressReleasePivot) — Although there are those who are skeptical about the online marketing of video advertisements, this is not stopping companies from advancing their websites to hold higher graphic web video ads. WebKruz, for example, relies solely on visuals. Their website caters to advertisers looking to put up different video ad styles.

“There are huge changes happening on the Internet right now,” writes Peter Drew, Internet blogger extraordinaire. “This is a ground floor opportunity to be right at the forefront of Internet video marketing.” http://www.peterdrew.net/thevideosense/big-changes-in-video-marketing/

Who is WebKruz? The company is a branch of the United Smarts System, LLC, and came into existence in June of 2008. With their innovative idea of a visual search engine, they provide visually stimulating search with quick access to the knowledge being sought.

WebKruz is on the cutting edge of visual ad styles, but not necessarily because they create them. Rather, WebKruz works on perfecting the visual search engine while providing advertising space for those who would benefit greatly from visual ads.

“For example,” WebKruz states, “an advertisement for a soda drink can not be fully expressed via a text advertisement.” Instead, advertisers have the opportunity to express their product or company in visual ad styles that will welcome revenue and catch Internet users.

So what kind of visual ad styles are available? In terms of creativity, attention-grabbing, and audience-directed advertisements are the choice of the company. The kind of video advertisements you can expect to see online are:

1. A video with sound that is muted until the mouse is moved onto the video
2. High quality graphics that allow room for more creative instincts
3. Between sixteen- and thirty-second-long video advertisement time
4. Contextual advertising that brings up advertisements similar to the user’s search query

As space on websites and search engines becomes available for online videos, this will definitely begin the wave of the future for new video ad styles. Advancements on the Internet, coupled with more users, will drive those looking to expand their business and receive greater returns to start looking into the advantages of online video advertisements.

Ideas for different visual ad styles can be found all over the Internet (for example, see http://www.scribd.com/doc/8604822/Advertising-Styles). These are often the best ways for a company to advertise their products or services more visually. WebKruz has the ability to meet the requirements of a web advertisement. Additionally, their search refines the results into categories, giving viewers more opportunities to pass over a given video ad in their quest for their final target.

“Instead of a flat textual advertising format,” WebKruz officials conclude, “WebKruz offers rich multimedia advertising”. That rich advertising is making waves in the search world. Video ad styles certainly abound, but ultimately, video ads are the way of the future of search advertising.

About WebKruz.com:
Starting in June of 2008, WebKruz brings to Internet users a new, visually stimulating way of searching the Internet, along with amazing digital advertisements. Their innovative ideas and desire to please public users will enhance their website and create the best search engine on the Internet.

To learn about advantages of advertising with WebKruz visit http://www.WebKruz.com/. Or contact them by phone at 1-303-376-6330 or by email at unitedsmartsystems@WebKruz.com.

WebKruzTM is a trademark of United Smart Systems, LLC.

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