New Book Helps Bring New Product Ideas to Market

Bringing a Product to Market from Your Home is based on the author’s been-there-done-that-experience. Many people have many great ideas.

Cape Canaveral, FL – June 18, 2010 (PressReleasePivot) — Bringing a Product to Market from Your Home is based on the author’s been-there-done-that-experience. Many people have many great ideas. They just don’t act on them. This book is intended to streamline the reader’s process of taking a product from an idea to reality. It offers the information you need to successfully bring your product idea to market from your home and to build a profitable business.

The 234-page book is written in Mr. Bronga’s conversational style of writing and is very easy to read and understand. It affords the reader the chance to learn both from the author’s tried and true methods.

Mr. Bronga ( started a home business over 15 years ago when he invented a product called CLIPEZE. It is a unique product that is worn like a lapel pin but allows the attachment of a company identification badge. He started his business with his computer and $500. “Originally, I had enough rejection letters to wallpaper my home office but most of the people and companies that rejected me then call me now,” says Bronga. To date Mr. Bronga has sold over 3 million CLIPEZE. They are sold in over 1,000 retail stores and catalogs around the world.

Bringing a Product to Market ( From Your Home (ISBN: 978-0-615-33997-9) is available for $19.99 + 6.99 shipping from Clipeze Worldwide, Inc, P.O. Box 373, Mims, FL, 32754-0373 credit card orders welcome: 800-385-0014 or buy securely online at:


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