eMazzanti Technologies Selected by M5 Networks as New Jersey Partner of the Year

eMazzanti Technologies, a Hoboken-based computer networking firm, announces its selection as New Jersey Partner of the Year from M5 Networks. A leader in hosted VoIP technology, M5 Networks (M5) relies on partners such as eMazzanti to deliver innovative and cost-effective solutions based on its platform to mutual customers. For nearly a decade, eMazzanti Technologies has scored highest in M5’s customer satisfaction surveys, with positive feedback ranking them above all other partners and even M5’s own customer service ratings.

Hoboken, NJ (PressReleasePivot) August 4, 2009 — Today, eMazzanti Technologies, a Hoboken-based computer networking firm, announces its selection as New Jersey Partner of the Year from M5 Networks. A leader in hosted VoIP technology, M5 Networks (M5) relies on partners such as eMazzanti to deliver innovative and cost-effective solutions based on its platform to mutual customers. For nearly a decade, eMazzanti Technologies has scored highest in M5’s customer satisfaction surveys, with positive feedback ranking them above all other partners and even M5’s own customer service ratings. M5 continually highlights the success of eMazzanti Technologies, emphasizing their excellence as a partner and client. Today’s announcement of the Partner of the Year designation is one example of how M5 Networks is publically acknowledging eMazzanti as a computer networking leader.

eMazzanti’s main focus is its clients’ needs no mater how those needs touch end users or the network. In respect to clients’ phone systems, eMazzanti understands the desire for value and features. Using M5 Networks, eMazzanti can customize solutions to maximize benefits while minimizing costs, both upfront and long-term. eMazzanti takes its knowledge of computer networking and applies it to help customers’ businesses succeed. An example of this is that while M5 delivers its VoIP service, eMazzanti understands how such a system ties into the network as a whole to combine voice functionality into computer and business workflows. Based on eMazzanti’s consistent, high-quality, and predictable service, M5 has employed eMazzanti engineers to deploy its VoIP system to some of the most complex of networks.

“The relationship between M5 and eMazzanti puts us at the forefront of telephony in the northeast,” says Jennifer Mazzanti, President of eMazzanti Technologies. “To be selected as the New Jersey Partner of the Year solidifies the partnership and allows us to continue to offer best-in-class business tools to our customers. The depth of the relationship has grown from a few common customers to a majority base of clients operating on the M5 platform. We trust M5’s service for our clients, and as a client of M5 ourselves, we can say that this platform has helped our businesses thrive.”

Traditional VoIP systems, such as PBX, involve complicated setups, a standalone network and independent hardware. These systems have no required monthly fee, but the hardware investment and continued maintenance fees quickly erase any savings that would be had from the lack of a monthly bill. Oftentimes, traditional phone systems do not allow for any future innovation, requiring a complete removal and replacement of the system in order to add additional features. In contrast, eMazzanti Technologies understands how to recommend and implement technologies that scale with a business so that the needs of today are met without hindering future potential. M5’s Hosted VoIP system fits into the model of network evolution that eMazzanti provides to its customers. For a fixed monthly fee, eMazzanti Technologies offers maintenance and support for network management under its eCare Services portfolio. Similarly, M5’s Hosted VoIP systems function on a fixed-fee model which allow for planned expenses with limited unforeseen costs.

For eMazzanti and its clients, the network is the core infrastructure of business. eMazzanti uses its knowledge of networking to spread the advantages of the computer network across what used to be separate mediums. Today, converged networks allow for not only the computers to communicate with each other but to many devices such as digital surveillance cameras, phones, fax machines, electronically controlled doors and other often disbursed business applications. Sharing a common network reduces costs in complex cabling, maintenance of separate networks and eliminates much of the need for hardware which would operate independently. The converged network as installed by eMazzanti opens up the world of possibilities for users. A computer user can now unlock doors, pull up a point of sale transaction remotely, view the office from IP camera, initiate voice calls or send a fax from anywhere in the world as if they were in the office on their own internal network.

With a network infrastructure from eMazzanti, features from M5 become more applicable to everyday business. Just a few of the many features include voicemail transcription with audio attachment to email, call monitoring from the M5 software, and call initiation from a standard Microsoft Outlook client. Another benefit eMazzanti often implements is a fail-over network for both the computer and phone networks. That is, in the event of a failure from a client’s main ISP, eMazzanti would configure the network to automatically switch to the M5 line for network redundancy and near elimination of connectivity related downtime. Similarly should the M5 provided connectivity fail, the traditional data connections will build a tunnel back to M5’s network to route phone calls without interruption.

eMazzanti Technologies high scores in customer satisfaction surveys are a result of the solid network infrastructure installed that make these features, among many others, possible. Features that used to elude small businesses are now possibilities under eMazzanti’s network consultation and management. eMazzanti can appreciate clients’ high demand for access to office resources, anytime and anywhere. With many powerhouse partnerships under its belt, eMazzanti takes products and platforms and mold them to clients’ needs and expectations. eMazzanti’s previous awards include WatchGuard Partner of the Year, HP Partner of the Year, and two grand prizes from Microsoft for service and innovation. These accolades exemplify eMazzanti Technologies’ mission to constantly improve on what has brought the firm to the pinnacle of networking management: serving customers.

ABOUT EMAZZANTI TECHNOLOGIES: eMazzanti Technologies works with businesses to provide strategies for growth through the use of intelligent technology tools. From business process analysis to network design, security planning to preventative maintenance, the firm’s services all aim to reduce costs, mitigate risk and drive revenue for our clients. eMazzanti also offers an extensive portfolio of network products from the leading technology manufacturers. The best advocates for eMazzanti Technologies are our clients. The firm services businesses throughout the New York Metropolitan area and in 3 countries worldwide ranging from home office environments to multinational corporations with mission-critical needs. These organizations rely on eMazzanti as their technology management partner. As our clients grow and their needs change, our flexible, scalable model adapts to meet the aspirations of their businesses. We form long-term relationships with clients that value stability and reliability in their IT partners. An innovative and comprehensive approach to technology services has earned eMazzanti the trust of a rapidly growing client base and recognition by many of the industry’s foremost publications. For more information, please visit www.emazzanti.net. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

About M5 Networks: M5 Networks provides Voice-over-IP managed phone systems delivered as a disaster-proof service. M5’s delivery model facilitates the rapid deployment of advanced phone system functionality and features that drive a consistent voice experience as businesses become increasingly dispersed, flexible and 24/7. M5’s pay-per-profile pricing model offers companies a low cost-of-entry to feature sets that traditionally have required large capital expenditure and dedicated IT resources. Customers can leverage M5’s network infrastructure, and the voice platform frees all voice-related data and commands to mash with other applications, driving business intelligence, improving customer service, and enhancing enterprise application effectiveness. With over 900 customers, M5 has numerous industry awards and recognitions and is headquartered in New York City.

Richard Emazzanti

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